Jewish Internet Dating Services
customs during engagement

Jewish Internet Dating Services for marriage

In Orthodox Jewish circles, Jewish Internet Dating Services is taken very seriously. Casual dating is avoided done due to the fact that the end goal in dating is always a successful marriage.


There are many customs with regard to marriages and wedding in Orthodox Judaism. Those who are in the Jewish online dating world, using Jewish dating websites may know that Jewish internet dating services will generally don't talk about the customs and traditions of weddings. In addition to the flowers, music and location, there are so many other customs in circulations that Jewish internet dating services like to leave these details up to the happily engaged couple.

Most Orthodox couples will continue to talk, see one another and spend time together during their engagement period, but for the week before the wedding, they will generally cut off contact. However, Ultra Orthodox and Hasidic couples who are engaged are not permitted to see one another at all during their engagement to avoid provocative thoughts and unsavory behavior.


One important factor for the happy couple to consider is the length of their engagement until the wedding. In many communities, this decision is left entirely up to the engaged couple. The only law that concerns the length of time between an engagement and a wedding is that that the wedding may not take place in less than seven days after the agreements to marry has been decided.

While engagement length does not have a particular mandate, the Jewish calendar and other celebrations are taken into account while deciding on a wedding date. In terms of the Jewish calendar, there are certain times of the year when weddings may not be preformed at all, leaving roughly 8 months out of the year for permissible times for weddings. The time between the engagement and the wedding is a time for the couple to learn certain halachot, or laws, pertaining to married life and to go shopping to get prepared for life together. Young Hasidic Orthodox Jewish men don't generally have much shopping to do; in terms of clothing, they wear black pants and white shirts, a black jacket, hat and a streimel, a special type of hat worn on Shabbat. The same goes for Hasidic Jewish singles in Israel.


After the wedding comes the period of sheva brachot, which are the seven days of celebration after the wedding. Sheva brachot means seven blessings, and this period of time corresponds to the seven blessings said under the chuppah, or the wedding canopy. The sheva brachot are joyous days where special meals are eaten with the families and friends of the newly married couple.

Jewish singles in Israel and all over the world take advantage of the many Jewish internet dating services. In recent years, Jewish dating websites and Jewish online dating has become a very popular way to meet a future spouse, even in the Orthodox Jewish world. Jewish internet dating services can be very diverse, open to all streams of Jews. Although not in huge numbers, even the Ultra Orthodox are using these Jewish online dating websites, and look forward to a joyous wedding celebration.

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